Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Can you help me please?

Can you help please?
There is pride and dignity in Rwanda, lots of it. There is also poverty and a constant lack of cash flow for a large proportion of the population.
Being a muzungo, I am seen by a large proportion of the population as a boundless source of cash, a sort of free for all mobile ATM machine. Professional beggars are few (no more than in Paris, for instance, and far less than in most developing countries). They are desperate and can spot a muzungo from miles away. They try their luck but never insist for too long, if they can see that they don’t stand a chance.
Other examples of ‘can-you-help-me-please’ are more symptomatic of a different attitude which operates on the following principle: ‘I am not destitute, I have enough to eat, a place to live, BUT you are white, rich and you can help me paying off my motor bike or sending my oldest son to school. I just don’t have enough cash for that. Please, help me! God will bless you.”
This is more symptomatic of a form of aid which has not helped Africa or Africans all that much over the last few decades. Yet it is still here.
I am aware that school management see me mostly as someone who can be instrumental to bring some cash in and to cover their ongoing expenses. I hope I can do more than that!
A lst example of ‘can-you-help-me-please?’: Sunday morning, someone vewry well dressed for mass comes and asks me if I can give her a little bit of money for her small donation at church... What would God have thought of her if I had said ‘yes’?

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